This includes posting mods that were removed / taken down. One word or vague titles will be removed.Posts asking questions that are answered in sidebar guides may be removed.Don't promote Piracy. Request Wednesday - All Requests must go hereFILTER BY GAMERULES.Posts must be about Fallout / Modding.No Image Macros/Memes as posts.Editing console saves is not 'modding'.Comments not adding to discussion / flaming, will be removed.Use Descriptive Titles. Whatever it is, you can do it here!Weekly Posts. Fallout Network.Welcome to, Your one stop for Modding EVERYTHING Fallout.Got a mod to share? Want to talk about Modding?

I would be greatful for any and all assistance.Paw print.

Type tmm 101 to reveal all markers, even undiscovered ones. Player.additem - Switch in the object ID for the (no need to. Health and encumbrance is infinite, but ammo isn't. If you're after a list of console commands for Fallout: New Vegas, Obsidian's still absurdly. There's also the issue of wasting AP ammo when I think I'm using Surplus, or having issues fighting deathclaws because I'm using standard ammo and I forget to (re-)re-load to AP.I've tried the mod on a vanilla game, but I still have the same issue, so I really don't know what to look for. I've also noticed that specific ammo types are preferred if I have no standard ammo left, then my weapons will default to AP over surplus, even if I had surplus loaded.I know I'm making a bigger thing of this than is necessary, but it really irks me on a realism/immersion level. If I unequip and re-equip, or if I change to another weapon and back again, the ammo count is remembered but it will be in standard ammunition (FMJ in this case). This is pretty cool, but I'm having an issue where the ammo type switches back to default whenever I change weapons.Say I have an AK-47 and I load AP ammo. I'm using a mod called 'Manual Reload' which disables automatic reloading, and remembers how many bullets are left in each weapon. Hello!I've asked around and I haven't found a solution to my problem yet.